A Threat of War

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A Threat of War
Episode # 522
Air Date March 21, 1982
Briefing A gang leader challenges Ponch to a karate match

Brief Plot

Ponch talks about being part of a gang called Clone Condoras years ago before there was violence. Andy Macedon challenges Ponch to a karate rematch at the Oak Street Youth Center.


Ponch and Jon are on patrol once again Ponch's old neighborhood admiring the artwork of Carlos Aguila. Jon asks who is Carlos Aguela. Ponch mentions the local Rembrandt the guy with lot of talent, and also the leader of the street gang Clono Condoras. Jon goes oh yeah very heavy that the gang use to belong to yah right. Ponch goe years ago before violence when Carlos was just a baby, and his sister Rosa she was crazy about me. Jon asks what happen. Ponch mentions that she wanted a lasting commitment but I was too young, and I was only 13. Jon asks how old was she. Ponch mention 8 going on 9.

All of a sudden an all black with silver hood, and louvers Chevrolet Camaro speeds around the corner from out in the middle of nowhere, and cuts off a yellow Coronet. Both Ponch and Jon have to cut the break short, and take off turning on their police sirens, and start chasing the car. The car speeds by where is road work, and quickly turns around the corner, and now cutting off baby blue LTD, also turning another corner. Ponch and Jon are now forced to ride by the road work while still in pursuit, and now quickly turning the corner, and another corner. The car quickly turns again aroud the corner, and so do Ponch and Jon. The car now drives through the narrow to go park underneath the bridge. The two guys are now practicing martial arts, also the two other guys get out of the car, and began to run.

Ponch and Jon arrive at the spot, and now stop and get off their bikes. Both Ponch and Jon now start walking towards the four gang members. Billy Rogers now whistles, and more members of the gang show up carrying their weapons. Billy does his martial arts move, and says remember me. Jon now sees Billy by the move he is doing, and all of sudden has a flashback where Baricza tells them to get down on the ground, but Billy fights back. He's taking quite a beating and knocked back onto his cruiser. He rolls off just before the van backs into his cruiser. Baricza keeps fighting, but gets knocked on the ground. Finally, he pulls his gun on Billy. After the flashback Jon says drop the chops Billy. Billy now drop his chops. Ponch now tells Billy to turn around, and put your hands on your head. The other member of both gangs go over to side where Jon is standing. Billy now turns around, and Ponch puts the handcuffs on him. Another gang member smarts off his big mouth by saying how are you going to get him out of here. The other gang members are looking at Ponch and Jon even through there still holding up their weapons.

Then members from gang called Clono Condoras arrive, and Billy just looks straight back at them. Ponch mentions to Jon that this is Carlos. Jon goes oh you already told me. Ponch now says Carlos it looks like you crash the party. Carlos now calls Ponch you got business cono darrel. Billy mentions if your looking me get out of here but don't hurry. A stranger now whistles who is actually the clean shaved ex-con just out on parole by the name of Andy Macedon decides to just shows up while walking the streets with his aviator sunglasses on, and kicks the weapon. Ponch now sees Andy for the first time, and has a flashback about that night he show up at Andy Macedon's secret meeting. Andy starts a fight with Ponch. Ponch starts off taking a beating. When turns the tide, someone hands Andy a bo. Ponch knocks the bo out of his hands and Andy gets sai while Ponch takes the bo. After Ponch knocks the weapons out of Andy's hands, someone tosses nunchaku to him. Ponch uses a tonfa to take the nunchaku from Andy. Ponch drops the nunchaku and uses good old fashioned karate to beat the crap out of Andy.

After the flashback Ponch now looks at Andy. Andy now walks over, then pats one of the boys on the back, and now mentions Poncherello, Baker, and Billy Rogers like old times isn't that right Billy. Jon asks Andy when did you get out. Andy says a month too soon now introducing himself as Andy Macedon, and asks Ponch what are you doing here giving my boys a hard time now taking off his sunglasses. Ponch mentions that we were on are motorcycles when we seen a speeding car, and pushes Billy. Billy now smarts off by saying go back to where you came from Andy this ain't your turf anymore. Jon says don't move to the other gang member. Ponch and Andy along with the other members of the gang smart looking at Billy.

Baricza now arrives in his cruiser, and gets out. Bonnie is arriving for backup in her cruiser, and turns right to go down the narrow bridge now stops to get out, now runs to backup. Carlos now says your a dog your all dogs. Billy now smarts off by saying you don't have a green card. Carlos says you are now pigs right. Andy now goes what are we talking about war because pictures are on the wall, and calls them stupid about anybody or what. Billy now says nobody hears you Andy. Ponch goes now look about some irony. Carlos now mentions about karate, and when they leave we start up again about the street. Billy now mentions back they ripped off our stuff, and calls Carlos an animal. Jon now says you want a war will call are troops in, and will win. Andy now tells both the gangs to drop their weapons, and go home.

Ponch says beat it, and hi Carlos now looks at him. Carlos and Cono Condoras soon walk away. Ponch now says bye Carlos. Billy's gang now drops weapons, and soon also follow by walking away. Ponch soon gives Baricza the weapon. Baricza goes hello Billy playing with these. Billy says better than ever would you like a demonstration. Baricza now grabs Billy and walks away. Bonnie goes look I came for backup, and walks away to her cruiser to drive off. Jon now calls in a vehicle for impound. Andy asks Ponch if your keeping up. Ponch now goes you forgot. Andy mentions the last time we met you beat me, and what I want to remember, also maybe I want a rematch. Ponch now tells that I didn't mean it, and walks away.

Back at Central in the breakroom where Harlan and Grossie are playing a game of cards in the breakroom until Turner walks in with a plant inside a box. Turner now asks does anyone care for a tree. Grossie says 83. Turner says take your choice. Harlam now tells Turner this is not the time, and this is only a game when the players get seriously enough to play well also that I am trying to consintrate, and this is not the time. Turner now apoligzes, and walks out. Harlan now starts talking about the tree anyway, and didn't you hear Turner, also your very intense when your losing.

Turner is now in staff room trying to offer the tree to Getraer, Bonnie, and Baricza until Ponch and Jon arrive. Getraer now Ponch and Jon that he has been waiting for you. Jon mentions Billy Rogers out on bail. Getraer mentions the wheels of justice, and Billy's benafacture Andy Macedon he cashed. Ponch and Jon now walk out.

Andy now takes Billy after bailing him out of jail to the Cocktail Lounge in his brand new Mercedes-Benz but decide to sit in the car and talk. Billy goes look you said this was going to be my town, and the competion between us is Carlos and those Condoris also it you now too, and I'm warning you that were all alone. Andy now mentions to Billy that the old way didn't work, and that I got new plans, and I want you to listen. Billy says but Andy you can't buy me, and stay out of my way. Andy now says but will find a new way. They now get out of the car.

While off duty Ponch and Jon are now decide to drive over Rosa's house in his car. Rosa is now outside watering her plants with her green/white watering can. Ponch now gets out of his car, and greets Rosa in spanish by saying Elena Guatra Francisa So Pole. Rosa now says Francisco oh Ponch, and quickly runs overs to give Ponch a big hug. Ponch now mentions Rosa oh Rosa, and mentions to Jon didn't I tell you she was beautiful. Jon now introduces himself to Rosa. Rosa mentions everytime Ponch comes around he doesn't give me any warning. Ponch now tells Rosa one that I'm coming back to take you to dinner tomorrow. Rosa now mentions something in spanish. Ponch now goes already running my life, and begins to laugh. Rosa now offers to let both Ponch and Jon to come inside the house, and have of some coffee.

Ponch and Jon now go inside the house. Ponch now explains to Jon this was orginally the family home until the father died, and the mother took some of the younger kids back to Ahosa, and she was one terrific lady. Rosa now enters the room, and interupts Ponch by asking is my brother in trouble. Ponch mentions no but well. Rosa mention before you tell me. Ponch goes well okay. Rosa mentions that he told me you saw him yesterday that why you came. Ponch goes okay you now tell me is Carlos in trouble. Rosa mention you know what did they did to his mural is that right, and he didn't come home all night that means he either painting or fighting, and since you broke up the fight. Jon asks where's he painting. Rosa mentions I don't know, and the mural they semed is somewhere near the Youth Center somewhere on Oak Street.

Meanwhile at the Youth Center where Sherron Duke is now teaching an excersize class while listening to music, and explaining the steps to the other excersizers. Sherron finally loses her consentation, and her patients now turning off the music, now walks over the ring where Billy and his gang are using weapons. Sherron now says I told you characters now weapons allowed, and you could either decide or get out and stay out. Billy now goes or come on teacher. Sherron now goes Billy. Billy now goes hold hold it when Ponch and Jon walk into the room. Billy now gives the weapons to Ponch, and says can somebody use these. Ponch mentions that I'm cool, and I'm surprised to see you hanging out here Billy. Billy now mentions that we hang out where were happy in case you guys don't know it, and this is the guy who brought Claude in. Ponch now mentions better than hands. Billy mentions step up in the rings and showed them how. Ponch now goes look. Billy says I don't think so.

Jon is now having a conversation with Sherron. Sherron now tells your not going to find that hispanic kid here, and maybe a little girl now and then, and not about those Condoras. Jon mentions that we can't have gang rivalries intefer. Sherron now gets very snotty at Jon by going whoa, and wait a minute backup when you guys came in here last year, and clean it up, also I know what your thinking your hoping to Purge the neighborhood. Jon now mentions we tought we started something good here. Sherron now goes oh yes you did, also your ways, and what happed to the follow up, and I though senerity is not an option. Ponch now walks over to Jon. Jon now tells Ponch that Andy Macedon has never been there but Carlos never is here. Sherron mentions the last thing I need is another emotional hit and run it's eith you come and agonize with me or go, I'll see you guys, and walks off.

Meanwhile outside the Youth Center unaware that two little boys who apparently decided to skipped elementary school today who are now throwing rocks at the doors trying to break the windows, first by knocking down the sign, also they finally manage to knock the glass out of the window without even breaking it, and they now start to run around the corner.

Carlos is now repainting his mural on the wall which Billy had wrecked by spraying it with can of red paint. Andy now drives his car, and decides to stop and see Carlos. Andy now gets out of his car, and now complimenting Carlos on mural by saying the top half looks just fine, and the time you finished it will look just as good as new, and I've been checking and I found a lot of walls you can paint. Carlos now asks Andy what is it anyhow because Billy's got your old gang, and maybe you can make points with me to win over those Condoras. Andy now mentions to Carlos you think your too small, and walks over to give him some to buy some supplies, and I'm going to find a doner. Carlos now tells Andy the guy must be a kicker. Andy now tells Carlos to cool it with Billy until I find out that he comes around, and come on I'll buy that mural.

Ponch and Jon now arrive walking the streets around the center now seeing Andy giving money to Carlos. Andy now mentions to Ponch and Jon your not just throwing people out, and but people look a like lot people, and what's happen. Jon now mentions to Andy that were looking for Carlos. Andy now mentions to Ponch and Jon don't hassel him he's cool. Jon now mentions your cool is neccassarly are cool, and what's the money for. Carlos now mentions that Andy had hired me to paint a mural for him, and now greets Ponch in spanish. Ponch now goes well Andy. Andy now mentions to the finer city, and he'll take any wall painted with pictures and dirty words. Ponch now mentions that we want to talk you about the rumble yesterday. Andy now mentions forget about it Ponch, and the Condoras are at peace right Carlos. Carlos now goes yeah right for now, and I made a deal with Mr. Macedon. Andy now mentions that you guys got a car someplace, and I'll give you a lift come on I'm driving insured. Ponch and Jon now walk off with Andy to his car.

Meanwhile Andy is driving Ponch and Jon back to the Youth Center. Ponch now mentions that Carlos is loaded with talent, and a little reconignition will get him off the streets so Andy personally from me to you, and talk about. Andy now mentions that you got the attitude of a cop, and you know that, and whatever I do is rotten and whatever I say is a lie, and I'm reabilitated man, and did you have any faith in the prison system.

Now back at the Youth Center. Andy now mentions that a year ago I had these gangs working together that's cool, and if I said I payed my debt, and I'm not greedy anymore and I'm jiving nice I'll tell you what you want to hear. While buying a cup of coffee out the machine Andy now mentions that I'm going to be boss again, and your going to help me. Ponch mentions help you. Andy goes let's start with Billy Rogers. Ponch now goes isn't that the monster you created Andy. Andy now goes yes what he was, and when you set me up you created what he is, and you had that gang convinced that you could take me out just like you did, Ponchy your wired in man, and I wasn't kidding I want that rematch. Jon now goes no way. Andy now goes in there in the ring by the rules a free style karate match. The boxers are now looking at Andy. Andy now mentions 7 o'clock tomorrow night. Ponch now walks away smiling, and laughing. Andy now goes Ponchy I got you babe, and you don't if I'm coning you or the tiger is changing the stripes, and just something you got find out. Ponch now walks out. Jon now mentions there's now he going to play your game. Andy is now drinking his coffee. Jon now walks off.

Meanwhile back at Rosa's house where Carlos is putting his brushes in the basket. Rosa now mentions how do you know this is not a trick to get the Condorases to crap, and first Poncherello gets mixed up in a fight like that, also who knows Andy Macedon, and maybe alone Macedon wants to get you killed. Carlos now mentions oh mine saw all my life I been hearing talk be good work hard, and don't you get yourself killed one man may make cash money on it for Macedon. Rosa now mentions for painting or for fighting. Carlos now mentions for painting today I'm not fighting today. Carlos now carrying basket while walking away, and tonight I'm going to find out about tomorrow.

Now at the streets where Billy's gang is now practicing fighting. Billy now goes hey hey hey come here. The two gang members now stop fighting. Billy now mentions alright good job, and starts giving out money. Billy now mentions that it's more likely if we hit the stereo shop, and passing it around. One of the other gang members that Macedon had called about the truth, and don't know about the Condorases and sit with them tonight. Billy now mentions sure we got them there, and well see what happens, and then we decide if we let them out. The gang now starts laughing.

The next morning Ponch and Jon pull into Central on their bikes, and another patrol car decides to pull out. Ponch and Jon now walk into the staff room where Bonnie is sitting right next to Baricza. Bonnie now mentions what's this about you fighting Macedon. Ponch now asks Bonnie where did you hear about that. Bonnie now mentions the Sherron Duke had called me from the Youth Center, and asked me what I knew. Jon now mentions theres nothing to know there won't be a match. Grossie now enters the room. Bonnie now goes fighting doesn't make any sense. Baricza now mentions it does to Macedon if he can beat Ponch he's a hero again, and if you think Ponch is scared. Bonnie now goes what if he though and won. Jon now mentions I've been telling you there won't be a fight. Ponch now mentions now I know what Andy ment when he said I was wired in, and he is spreading the word that he's calling me out. Grossie now mentions that Getraer he wants to see you both.

Now in Getraer's office. Jon now explains believe me Ponch didn't ignoliged the challenge he just laughed and walked away. Getraer now goes okay, and Macedon's choice of money in lajit because he still in the carwash and a houseside restaurant, and his parole officer said his prison conduct is good, and he's behaving, and what we have is mister nice, and all the symptoms of wised uped crooks, and he's trying to graduate from street crime to the upper exalot. Ponch now asks Getraer why does he want a rematch. Getraer now mentions even a grudge, and by fair means probally a foul by light if your ignoring it. Ponch now goes well the old way is the survival instinct sarge, and what gets me everytime, and don't worry about a thing. Ponch now walks out of the office. Getraer now goes alright Jon were going to fight him. Jon now tells Getraer that he's going home to take a shower, and forget about it so bye, and walks out of the office. Getraer now goes wait a second.

Tonight at the Youth Center where a crowd of kids start walking in the doors. Grossie is now inside behind the entrace, and Baricza now arrives. Baricza now asks Grossie what's your excuse. Grossie mentions I happen to think your crazy. Grossie and Baricza now in through the enterance as Harlan now walks in, and stops at the enterance. Another man now taps Harlan on the back while they walk through the enterance. Harlan now walks over to Getraer, and goes hi I throught you would like what I'm doing here. Getraer now mentions five after seven I throught I knew Frank, and at least Jon knows him better.

Billy now walks in through the enterance, and points his finger at Carlos, and says it's tonight I let you in adfter that it's you and me, and after that it's me, and walks away. Billy and his gang start walking towards their seats. Bonnie is actually sitting right to her friend Sherron. Andy is now in the ring dressed in a black karate outfit, and mentions give me your attention here all you bright shiny faces coming here because you think I have a score to settle but your right, and the problem is you don't know the score. Billy's gang now looks at Andy. Andy mentions that I wanted to fight to teach you on these streets because I walk them everyday. Both Harlan and Getraer are leaning on the ring. Ponch now mentions Poncherello he don't have to do that.

Ponch and Jon now arrive at the enterance. Ponch is now white karate outfit with a black belt, and red shoes. Both Billy's gang, also Andy, and Carlos and the Condoras now look at Ponch. Ponch and Jon now walk through the enterance. Jon now walks over to Getraer. Getraer now looks at Jon. Jon now mentions you know how he is.

Great Quote

"Remember Me." - Billy Rogers

Guest Stars


Fun Facts

  • Danny Bonaduce who is best known as Danny Partridge of The Partridge Family. Bonaduce who had previously guest starring by playing the role of Fred in the third episode second season called Family Crisis. Bonaduce had once again guest starred the sixteenth episode of the fourth season called Karate now reprising his role as Billy Rogers as being part of a gang.
  • The episode contains a two flashback scenes from the episode Karate the first one is where Billy resists arrest and beat up Baricza, and second one is where Ponch and Andy start street fighting.
  • Lewis Van Bergen who was previously had guest starred in the episode Karate now reprises his role as Andy Macedon.


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Preceded by:
"The Game of War"
A Threat of War
Followed by:
"Trained for Trouble"