Day of the Robot

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Day of the Robot
Episode # 611
Air Date January 2, 1983
Briefing ?
Title screen

Brief Plot

Maximum Efficiency Robotization Vector Series 1 (MERV)

Ponch and Bobby have fun with a robot assigned to their station until it becomes a threat to their lives. Danger! Danger! Warning Will Robinson! A couple of members of an all female group called The Freeway Angels anger a van driver when they try to make a citizen's arrest.


Guest Stars




Fun Facts

  • At least one collision from the opening crash is recycled from Mait Team in season 2.
  • The Freeway Angels building was on West Washington Boulevard, opposite what is now Sony Pictures Plaza. The old Culver Theater, now known as the Kirk Douglas Theater, is visible just up the street.
  • Melody Anderson (Emily) appeared in the first Victoria's Secret catalog in 1977, but is probably best known as Dale Arden from Flash Gordon (1980).
  • After a brief stint as the LAPD building in Return to Death's Door, the Thalberg Building returns to being a hospital, this time the Parkway Children's Hospital.

Information from the director, Phil Bondelli

  • "Debbie Evans is a stuntwoman and the role of 'Sylvia' was her first acting job."
  • "In the scene where the van hits the fire hydrant, there was not enough water pressure to wet the actors, so they had to use a fire hose to wet them in one of the cuts."
  • "In the scene where the bad guys are breaking up the Angels' office, a freeze frame was used because the first time the actor threw the chair at the window, the window didn't break."
  • "In the scene where the robot is first discovered, we created the illusion that the robot could move on dirt by placing it on plywood."
  • "When the robot was supposed to be moved back into the van, the camera closed in on the back of the robot and then cut away, because in actuality it wouldn't fit in the van."


  • MERV's 60 second countdown takes about 80 seconds.
  • Just before Getraer walks in to congratulate Ponch on disconnecting MERV's power, there's still "00 SECONDS" displayed on his screen. When the camera angle changes, the screen is blank.
  • When Harlan is demonstrating what happens when an energy pellet gets damaged, he says he called Dr. Rutledge at Space Tech Industries, but the van and dialogue at the opening crash establish the name of the company as Space Ten Industries.
  • The action at the Parkway Children's Hospital takes place in the Children's Ward. Why would a children's hospital have a children's ward?
  • Emergency services are called when they realize that MERV's a "walking time bomb", but no one calls the hospital to warn them.

Preceded by:
Day of the Robot
Followed by:
"Hot Date"