Second Chance

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Second Chance
Episode # 313
Air Date December 1, 1979
Briefing Burglaries in condos in Marina Del Rey
Title screen

Brief Plot

Ponch and Jon try to apprehend a jewel thief who has hit several condos in Marina del Rey. A thief injures a young girl while making a motorcycle getaway. Ponch tries to befriend a recovering girl who was injured by the thief during his escape. Bonnie organizes a special carnival for recently injured children that are now currently living at the Children's Hospital Los Angeles.


Ponch and Jon riding along the coastal route of the Marina Freeway.
Chuck trying to recover stolen jewelry after accidentally knocking down a witness.

After a long labor day weekend that has just ended summer vacation on Monday, and the kids are actually now going back to school for the first time this beautiful Tuesday morning. While on duty where Ponch and Jon had just finished exiting the beautiful coastal route of the Marina Freeway, and happen to be riding along the coast of the beautifully cleaned up recently vacant Santa Monica State Beach. After Jon has just finished listening to Ponch complain about wanting to quit the CHP in order to become a lifeguard at the beautiful white sand beach, and decides that his best friend might need a little bit of cheering up today. Ponch is now finally satisfied with his line of work after a little cheering up from Jon, and feels that he can actually go back to doing his actual real daytime job as an officer of the highway patrol rather than his little imaginary dream job as a lifeguard at the beautiful white sand beach. Meanwhile a very young master jewel thief named Chuck that has recently dropout of college because the money for his tuition had just run out. After Chuck has just finished breaking into a married couples luxury condo in the small seaside community of Marina del Rey, and is now going though their dresser doors until he finds a small painted wood jewelry box. Chuck now decides open up the small painted wood jewelry box in order to find out that contains several very expensive real gemstone rings, including a bunch of different necklaces like a string of real pearls, and a set of real gold and silver bracelets. Chuck now decides to take advantage of the married woman by stealing her very expensive pieces of jewelry out of the box by placing them into a soft case, and eventually will be leaving their condo without any force of entry. While Ponch and Jon are now riding around in the small community shopping area of Lincoln Boulevard. After Chuck has just finished stealing very expensive pieces of jewelry, and he is now walking out of the couples luxury condo carrying a soft case of recently stolen items. Chuck is now walking down the steps in order to get on a recently stolen brand new red Yamaha TT 500, and accidentally trips a man causing him to drop his soft jewelry case. Chuck now decides to apologize to the man for accidentally tripping him, and walks over towards his soft jewelry case in order to retrieve the stolen items. After witness Chuck putting recently stolen jewelry back into the soft case, and runs up the steps to their condo in order to call the police. After Chuck has just finished putting the victim’s wife jewelry back into the soft case, and now wants to get out of the couple’s condo community.

Chuck is now looking back at Ponch and Jon during a police chase.
Keli Adams taking a ride on her brand new baby blue Schwinn Breeze.

Chuck now decides to take advantage of the victim by leaving the recent crime scene in the condo community by getting on a recently stolen Yamaha in order to take off. While Ponch and Jon are still riding around the small community shopping area when they actually received a call from the dispatcher about a certain male jewel thief that is now just being suspected for recently stealing expensive jewelry, and is now riding around a recently stolen red Yamaha TT 500. Chuck is now actually speeding though traffic while riding around on a stolen red Yamaha by quickly turning the corner, and almost cuts off a pedestrian in the crosswalk. Ponch and Jon actually manage to spot Chuck who is actually now suspected of stealing jewelry when he comes speeding around the corner while riding around a stolen red Yamaha, and decide to give a little police pursuit by hoping to catch him today by calling in a 211 to the dispatcher. Chuck now decides to speed up in order to go a little faster until he looks over to see Ponch and Jon giving him a little police pursuit. Jon now decides to report to the dispatcher about being in pursuit of their jewel thief suspect named Chuck riding around on a recently stolen red Yamaha by using his CB Radio. Ponch and Jon now decide to speed up in order to give Chuck who has just been suspected of stealing jewelry a little police pursuit. Chuck now decides to advantage of Ponch and Jon while actually hoping to lose the police pursuit by quickly speeding around the two different corners. Ponch and Jon are still in hot pursuit of Chuck that is now speeding though the city streets for a few miles by taking shortcuts around the corners. Chuck now decides to quickly speed around the corner after reaching the dead end street while still actually being tangled up in the police pursuit given by Ponch and Jon. Meanwhile pedestrians are enjoying their favorite activities along the coastal path of the beautiful white sand beach. A very shy fifteen year old schoolgirl named Keli Adams is actually enjoying a ride along the coastal path of the white sand beach on her beautiful brand new baby blue Schwinn Breeze while on the way to high school. There are a couple of pedestrians actually roller skating in the crosswalk while Ponch and Jon are still in hot pursuit of their suspect Chuck. Chuck now quickly decides to speed though the crosswalk, and briefly goes around the corner by cutting off some pedestrians while entering the costal path of the beautiful white sand beach. Ponch and Jon are now forced to go in the other direction by cutting off some pedestrians while going though the road closed signs. Chuck is now actually speeding along the coastal path of the beautiful white sand beach by cutting off more pedestrians while tailing Keli on her bicycle. Chuck now accidentally collides Keli by causing her to wipe out, and making her fall on her hips while tumbling into the white sand beach.

Keli all alone after her recent bicycle accident.
The Paramedics now have Keli on the Stretcher.

After Chuck had finally finished accidentally hitting Keli by managing to keep himself from wiping out on his dirt bike, and decides to leave the scene of the accident rather to give himself up in order to be arrested by Ponch and Jon. Ponch and Jon had managed to see Keli take a tumble after a recent bicycle accident. Jon now wants Ponch to stay behind with Keli in order to still pursue Chuck on a recently stolen dirt bike. While the other pedestrians who are now witnesses respond to Keli's time of need, and Ponch now has to cut across the grass by managing to go through a parking lot in order to respond to Keli's accident. Meanwhile Chuck decides to cut across another parking lot by cutting off Jon on the city street who is actually still in pursuit of him by managing to speed around a corner of another city street. While Jon is actually still hot pursuing Chuck, and at same time Ponch is now riding on the coastal path of the white sand beach in order to respond to a recently injured Keli who is now confused after her recent bicycle accident. Ponch now responds by trying to explain about them being in pursuit of Chuck to a recently injured Keli who is actually being mouthy, and tries to help her off the ground but is unable to because of her left leg was accidentally sprained because of her recent bicycle accident. In the meantime Jon is actually still in hot pursuit of Chuck on the city streets for a few more miles. Chuck now decides to quickly turn the corner by speeding down the Santa Monica Pier with Jon still in hot pursuit of him for a few more miles. Chuck now decides to lose pursuit of Jon by doing a dangerous jump like Evel Knievel by carefully landing into the water while crashing the dirt bike. Meanwhile a very young master boat thief named Danny is responding in a recently stolen fishing to boat by rescuing his buddy Chuck while Jon manages to stop at the edge of the pier watching them sail away together, and at the same time Ponch had to pick up his radio by requesting an ambulance for Keli for her minor leg injury by finishing the call with an 11-81 to the accident scene. Ponch now finds out from the dispatcher about Jon had actually lost pursuit of their burglar suspect Chuck. Ponch always tries to do the right thing by keeping Keli calm but has to listen remark about her wreck bike meanwhile Jon makes it back to the accident scene, and the paramedics now have Keli on the Stretcher in order to take her away in the ambulance. Jon now finally arrives back at the accident scene in order to see Keli get taken away in an ambulance. Keli now finally finds out from Ponch about how his partner Jon had recently lost pursuit of Chuck, and out of anger makes a disrespectful remark of both of them while going into the ambulance still in pain with left leg because of her recent accident.

Timmy wants to say good morning to Ponch today.
Ponch finally meets with Mr. and Mrs. Adams along with Kelly.

After Keli was involved in a serious bicycle accident that was caused by their suspect Chuck about three weeks ago on Tuesday morning, and children are now going inside the building along with their parents. Ponch has just arrived at the Children's Hospital Los Angeles wearing just one glove while carrying the other in his left hand, and wants to ask a very hot young nurse named Lori out on a date for Saturday night. While Ponch is now walking the hallway on his way to the nurses station, and manages to run into a recently injured sick patient in a wheelchair who happens to be a little boy named Timmy who is actually on his way to exercise class this morning. Timmy is actually in a cheerful mood today by now wanting to start the morning off right by welcoming Ponch to the hospital. While still in the hallway Ponch now decides to do the right thing by welcoming his little buddy Timmy with a good morning. After Ponch has just finished giving his little buddy Timmy a greeting, and finally arrives at the nurses station just to ask Lori out on a date for Saturday night by making her laugh at his funny romantic poem wither it's for business or pleasure for their little children's program during the year. Ponch now finds out that Lori has ten minute lunch break coming up, and notices the Keli is now in a wheelchair outside with her parents sitting on a bench at a picnic table. Ponch now finds out that Keli has recently been transferred here for physical therapy because the adult hospital doesn't want her because of difficulties in treatments for her legs after the recent bicycle accident with their suspect Chuck on the beach. Ponch now wants to meet with Keli and her parents for a minute, and manages to run into Susie who is actually going home tomorrow but still wants to come to the carnival on Saturday. Ponch is now busted by T.C. in her wheelchair who often disrespects him by insulting him about stealing his motorcycle, and about him not having a sense of humor. Ponch now shrugs off T.C. with a smirk, and goes outside to have a meeting with Keli along with her parents about her medical injury that was caused by Chuck during a police chase. Ponch finally meets with Mr. and Mrs. Adams with along Keli about her bicycle accident three weeks ago with Chuck during a police pursuit. Ponch's meeting with Mr. and Mrs. Adams doesn't goes so well because of Keli's attitude towards the situation. After Ponch listens to Mr. and Mrs. Adams about the situation with Keli which includes exercising her legs everyday. It turns out that Keli has an attitude towards doctors, and her father but harps on Ponch unable to catch Chuck. Ponch now decides to cut the meeting short with Mr. and Mrs. Adams because of Keli's attitude towards his performance on the job.

Ponch getting ready to leave after having a meeting with Keli and her parents.
Peggy is now left behind by Chuck in order to complete a jewel robbery.

After Ponch has just finished the meeting Mr. and Mrs. Adams along with their recently injured daughter Keli, and walks back into the building where T.C. now challenges him to a wheelchair race after making a bet with her friend. Ponch turns down the challenge but later changes his mind after another disrespectful remark from T.C. about calling him a chicken, and accepts her stupid bet. Both Ponch and T.C. are now in wheelchairs at the starting line about to go through the obstacle course that is set up with flags for check points when their friend Starter gives them the go ahead. After Starter gives both Ponch and T.C. the go ahead they get off to great start in the race with the crowd cheering champion on toward the challenger in the race. Ponch accidentally hits a chair, and has trouble constraining on the obstacle compare to T.C. but seems to be making Mr. and Mrs. Adams compared to Keli. Although Ponch still can't keep up with T.C., and will eventually let her win the race because he is actually too slow at the obstacle course. Ponch now tips over in the wheelchair by landing on his right shoulder, and is able to get a date with Lori for Saturday night but wants a rematch in the morning. After taking a short break by racing disrespectful T.C. in wheelchairs it turns out that Ponch really needs to get back to work, and leaves Lori behind looking out the window at Keli and her parents. A beautiful business woman driving a beautifully handcrafted pearl white Stutz Blackhawk pulls up to have lunch at the Chart House Seafood Restaurant where Danny is now currently working as a parking lot attendant, and let's him park it in a safe spot. After Danny has finish parking the car decides to steal the keys, and walks over to Chuck's van. In the meantime Chuck and his girlfriend Peggy are playing a new record album while sitting inside the van until Danny shows up with a set of keys for a business deal, and wants her to leave immediately. Chuck decides to defend his girlfriend Peggy actions against Danny in order to finish conducting this business deal which includes a set of keys plus an address card, and keeps getting kiss by her. Chuck now wants Danny to steal another fishing boat, and meet him at the Santa Monica Pier in order to escape the cops in the area. Chuck now grabs a hard purse by putting it over his shoulder, and while grabbing his white motorcycle helmet he gets Peggy to notice a brand new Corvette pulling up to have lunch while Danny is still working as a parking lot attendant. Chuck now finishes putting on his white motorcycle helmet, and climbs out of the his van by stealing a black Norton Commando 850 in order to drive off by leaving his girlfriend Peggy behind in the parking lot.

Getraer is now going to do a special late morning briefing.
Ponch and Jon give Bonnie a compliment for organizing their yearly children's carnival.

Back at Central where Getraer is now having a special late morning briefing, and would like to thank Ponch, Jon, and Turner for working the Marina del Rey condo area where the robberies are taking place. Grossie now decides interrupts the special late morning briefing that Getraer is going to give about their suspect Chuck with a string bikini joke, and is unaware that Baricza sitting right next to him. After Grossie gets a quick laugh for his string bikini joke, and Getraer insults him about his weight. Getraer now talks about their suspects Chuck and Danny stealing jewelry during lunch time in the condo community, and manages tells Baricza a joke after being interrupted twice during the briefing. Getraer now talks about their suspect Chuck stealing motorcycles by later ditching them after robbing condos using keys rather then damage the door while the victims are out for lunch in the same restaurant, and making sure that the landlord is also out for a lunch break. Getraer now continues about talking about Chuck stealing different types of real expensive small quality jewelry in order to sell them for cash. Getraer now finishes with another suspect Danny waiting for Chuck at a given point at the marina by stealing a boat together in order to take off. Getraer now finishes the briefing about Ponch and Jon accidentally letting their suspect Chuck escape. Both Baricza and Jon have questions about their suspect Chuck getting the keys while the people are arriving, and and the LAPD dusting for fingerprints after the condos have been broken into during lunchtime at the same restaurant. Since Getraer can't seem answer his colleagues questions about their suspect Chuck, and now decides to dismiss them for a lunch break. Since Grossie now wants to have doughnuts with Baricza, and now leaves Ponch and Jon going back on duty inside the hallway until they happen to run into Bonnie with her checklist on a clipboard. Since Bonnie is organizing a special carnival which includes a picnic style lunch that is actually going to be provided by the California Highway Patrol for the children that are currently living at the hospital on Saturday morning at the fairgrounds. Bonnie's checklist is actually almost completed by the other colleagues that are willing to provided their share of food, dessert, drink, games, activities, and she now wants Ponch and Jon to provide the baked beans, paper plates and napkins. Since Ponch and Jon have already lied to Bonnie by paying her a compliment about organizing the carnival as she walks away laughing, and smiling by pointing a finger at both of them while going to meet with Getraer about providing the balloons. Ponch and Jon are now laughing about Getraer providing balloons for the dart game, and they already know they have to go grocery shopping today in order to provide their share of the items by Saturday morning.

Bonnie working in the Dart Shooting Booth for prizes at the children's carnival.
Ponch finally manages to a basket after T.C. for a change.

After Bonnie has just finished organizing The Children's Hospital Los Angeles annual carnival for the children which includes a picnic style lunch that now starts about five days later on Saturday morning. Bonnie is now working inside a carnival's dart shooting booth, and is actually very excited to see the children from the hospital that are now throwing the darts at the balloons for stuff animal prizes. Bonnie is now having a good time by laughing, and smiling while enjoying the company of the children throwing darts at the balloons. Later on that morning while the other children along with their parents are still waiting in line right next to the refreshment stand in order to ride the merry go-round after Bonnie and Jon along with the children from the hospital finish having their turn. During lunchtime at another refreshment stand where Grossie is now in charge of serving hot dogs while Getraer scoops the beans on the plates, and Bonnie takes care the lemonade in the paper cups for the kids. Grossie is now hungry, and starts complaining about the amount of beans that Getraer has just put on the one of the kids plate which now makes Bonnie laugh at him. After lunch the kids are now at baseball throwing booth, and happen to be throwing baseballs at milk bottles for prizes. Baricza is now currently on duty for the day wearing his uniform, and happens to be answering the kids questions while sitting on his cruiser along with the motorcycles. One of the patients decides to answer his own question about setting up roadblocks. During the free throwing basketball contest while T.C., and the other children are standing off to the side in order to watch Ponch trying to constraint on making a basket by throwing the ball. Instead Ponch can't seem to constraint on his game because poor T.C. is now getting very impatient about wanting to have her turn immediately, and finally loses his patients about her complaining about him trying to constraint on the basket. Ponch finally decides to nice for a change by handing T.C. the ball in order to let her make one basket in which she manages to make compare to him trying to constraint on the game. After Ponch has just finish letting T.C. have her turn for a change, and he finally get the ball back by finally managing to make one basket himself in the game. After Ponch has just finish making a basket himself which finally make T.C. happy about giving him advice about throwing the ball through the hoop.

Keli is now sitting all alone in her wheelchair.
Ponch reassures T.C. about real police emergencies.

While Ponch is now getting ready to make a second basket, and happens to notice that their accident victim Keli sitting in a wheelchair by herself in front of the courts watching other people play a game of tennis, and happens to be all alone without any family by her side. Ponch now changes his mind about making the second basket by deciding to walk over to visit Keli by giving T.C. the ball in order to let her have a turn at making baskets for a change, and at the same time Jon is getting ready to go for a ride on a vintage Harley-Davidson JD with two children from the hospital that are now being place inside a sidecar. While Jon is now taking with the kids for a ride on a vintage motorcycle, and at the same time Ponch has just walked over to Keli in order to listen about her disrespectful remarks about their annual carnival. Ponch wants to know about Keli being depressed since ever her accident with their suspect Chuck, and includes listening to her problems with people trying to help such as cops, doctors, lawyers, paramedics, and etc. Ponch tries to encourage Keli about having to exercise her legs everyday rather than just give up on herself, and eventually gives up because of her disrespectful opinions about the people in her life. After Keli has finished harping on Ponch about her problems with people, and she now decides to leave by wheeling herself away. Jon is actually good time riding around the hills of Los Angeles on a vintage motorcycle with the two children from hospital, and is unaware that their suspect Chuck is driving around with his girlfriend Peggy in a recently stolen brand new Mercedes-Benz 450 SL for a romantic afternoon together. Jon immediately recognizes their suspect Chuck after he has been insulted for riding around on a vintage motorcycle, and decides that he needs to get Baricza for this case. Jon now cuts the vintage motorcyle ride short with the children by turning around in order to go back to the fairgrounds, and at the same time Ponch is actually letting the other children have their turns at the basketball contest by throwing the ball through the hoop. Jon has just arrived back at the fairgrounds, and gets into the cruiser with Baricza in order to pursue their suspect Chuck along with his girlfriend Peggy that are now driving around in a recently stolen car. After Baricza and Jon drive off in order to pursue their suspect Chuck along with his girlfriend Peggy that are now driving around in a recently stolen car, and at the same time Ponch has just reassured T.C. about the differences between police demonstrations and real emergencies like this one especially on your day off.

Baricza and Jon are now in hot pursuit of the of their suspect.

After Ponch has just finished reassuring T.C. about real police emergencies like this one for an example. In the meantime Baricza and Jon just have taken off into the hills inside their cruiser, and are now speeding in order to catch up with their suspect Chuck along with girlfriend Peggy that are now driving around in a recently stolen car. While Chuck is now driving around with his girlfriend Peggy for an afternoon stroll, and is unaware that at the same time Baricza and Jon are still speeding through the hills with their sirens blaring in order to catch up with him within a few miles. Baricza and Jon are still speeding through the hills with their sirens blaring, and soon catch up with their suspect Chuck after spotting him driving around with his girlfriend Peggy in a recently stolen car by turning around now accidentally hitting the curb. After Baricza and Jon had finally caught up with their suspect Chuck who is actually driving around in a recently stolen car, and refuses to stop in which leads to him scaring the crap out of his girlfriend Peggy during a police pursuit for a few miles in the hills. Chuck will once again lose pursuit of Baricza and Jon by causing a car to roll over into the mountain, and which scars the crap out of his girlfriend Peggy. Baricza and Jon will have to terminate pursuit once again of their suspect Chuck by getting out of the cruiser in order to climb down the mountain, and will have to rescue an old man by calling an ambulance. While Jon goes back up the mountain in order to call an ambulance, and Baricza has to keep an old man calm by trying to open up the drivers side door. Ponch is now enjoying lunch with T.C. until Baricza and Jon arrive back with the cruiser after rescuing an old man that is actually accident victim of their suspect Chuck. Ponch now gets up off the bench of the picnic table leaving T.C. to finish her lunch, and walks over to have a meeting with Baricza and Jon about their suspect Chuck almost killing an old man. Ponch and Jon along with Baricza now takes another at Keli sitting in her wheelchair, and they seem to be worried about her committing suicide because of their suspect Chuck. After Ponch has just finished having his date with Lori on Saturday night. On Sunday morning while back on duty at central where Bonnie along with Ponch and Jon who are now having a meeting with Getraer in his office about their suspect Chuck, and his girlfriend Peggy driving around in a recently stolen car yesterday afternoon during their carnival for the Children's Hospital Los Angeles. During the meeting Bonnie is sure worried about Keli committing suicide, and their recent car accident victim who is now in the hospital.

Great Quote

  • "What are we going to do is wait for this guy to kill someone in their own apartment" - Bonnie
  • "Good to see you too old buddy" - Ponch

Guest Stars



Fun Facts


Visible straps.
  • During the pre-titles chase there is a shot looking back from the red bike where the front wheel is obviously stationary and the straps holding it to the camera vehicle can be seen.

Preceded by:
"Destruction Derby"
Second Chance
Followed by: