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*"I feel better already" - Ponch
*"I feel better already" - Ponch
*"Do you see what this dumb nerd did" - Keli Adams
*"Do you see what this dumb nerd did" - Keli Adams
*"Relax I got an ambulance on the way" - Ponch
*"What are we going to do wait for this guy to kill someone in their own apartment" - Bonnie
*"What are we going to do wait for this guy to kill someone in their own apartment" - Bonnie
*"Oh I'll remember that" - Bonnie
*"Oh I'll remember that" - Bonnie

Revision as of 21:49, 27 August 2015

Second Chance
Episode # 313
Air Date December 1, 1979
Briefing Burglaries in condos in Marina Del Rey
Title screen

Brief Plot

Ponch and Jon try to apprehend a jewel thief who has hit several condos in Marina del Rey. A thief injures a young girl while making a motorcycle getaway. Ponch tries to befriend a recovering girl who was injured by the thief during his escape. Bonnie organizes a special carnival which includes a picnic style lunch for the Children's Hospital Los Angeles.


Ponch and Jon are riding along the coast during the afternoon.
Chuck apologizes to the male witness.

After Ponch and Jon has just finished patrolling the hostile party crowds at Santa Monica State Beach over a four day weekend which has just ended on Monday night, and the kids are now finally back in school by Tuesday afternoon. While riding along the beautiful coastal route of the Marina Freeway, and poor Jon has to hear Ponch start complaining about wanting to quit his job at the California Highway Patrol in order to become a lifeguard at the beautiful beach where they had just finished patrolling the hostile party crowds during the four day weekend. Jon now decides to cheer up Ponch today by making him fully satisfied with his real job rather than his stupid imaginary job. Ponch now feels a little bit better at the moment about doing his job today. Meanwhile during lunchtime an amateur jewel thief named Chuck had just broken into a single desperate woman’s beautifully furnish condo in the small seaside community of Marina del Rey, and has entered the bedroom by starting to go though her dresser doors until he finds a beautiful crushed reddish-brown velvet case which actually contains a few very expensive high quality pieces of jewelry. Chuck now decides to take advantage of a single desperate woman by opening up her jewelry case, and taking out all her items by placing her items them into a leather messenger bag. Chuck will eventually leave her condo without any force of entry by using the spare house keys, and is unaware that Ponch and Jon are now riding around in the small community shopping area of Lincoln Boulevard. Chuck is now walking down the outside steps of her small seaside condo community while carrying a hard leather purse of recently stolen items, and accidentally knocks down a man who happens to see the jewelry. After Chuck finishes apologizing to the man for accidentally knocking him over, and picks up the jewelry while the witness runs up the steps in order to call the police about meeting a recent burglar today. Chuck now decides leave his recent crime scene in the small seaside condo community with the jewelry inside a leather messenger bag, and gets onto a recently stolen red Yamaha TT 500 in order to take off from the parking lot into the city streets for a quick getaway hoping to avoid the police.

Chuck is now looking back at Ponch and Jon.
Ponch along with the witnesses are unable to help Keli get back up off the ground.

While Ponch and Jon happen to be riding around Lincoln Boulevard at the same time they actually received a call from the LAPD dispatcher on their CB radios about Chuck suspected for stealing jewelry during their lunchtime today. Ponch and Jon happen to spot Chuck speeding around the corner a stolen red Yamaha, and decides to call in a 211 into the dispatcher using their CB radios in order to pursue their suspect for a few miles into the city streets until reaching to end of road which leads to the beach. While the walking path of the beach actually contains some adults enjoying their daily activities during the time most of the kids are already back in school except for a fifteen year old girl named Keli Adams who happens to be riding her beautiful baby blue Schwinn Breeze rather than attend her first day of high school. While Ponch and Jon are still in pursuit of Chuck who now makes his way down to the beach deciding to cut off a pedestrians in the crosswalk, and illegally enters the walking path hoping to lose them. Ponch and Jon are now forced to go in the other direction by cutting off some pedestrians while going though the road closed signs in the case of real emergencies like this one today. Chuck is actually illegally riding on the walking path, and is scaring the crap out of pedestrians while Ponch and Jon continue to spot him doing it. Chuck performs a dangerous slide stunt in order to keep himself from wiping out, and accidentally collides with Keli during the process by causing her some head trauma while sending her tumbling onto her hips by finally landing into the white sand of the beautiful beach. After Ponch and Jon has just finished witnessing accident scene that was caused by Chuck, and watching the pedestrians attend to help comfort Keli. While Ponch has a real emergency to attend by cutting across parking lot, and Jon manages to pick up pursuit with Chuck where it had left off. Jon will continue to purse Chuck on the streets, and while Ponch enters the walking path along with three new witness in order to help a confused Keli by explaining their police pursuit today. When Ponch along with two male witnesses try to use their hands in order to help Keli get back up off the white sand grounds of the beautiful beach, and they now find out that she had accidentally sprained her left leg during the collision with Chuck. After Ponch along with witnesses look at Keli’s condition, and decide to call an ambulance immediately to the accident scene.

Ponch and the paramedics now have Keli on the stretcher.
Ponch agree's to accept T.C.'s obstacle course challenge.

While Jon is still pursuing Chuck for a few more miles, and will eventually lose pursuit when he decides to perform another dangerous stunt by jumping the red Yamaha off the Santa Monica Pier into the deep water in order to avoid being arrested today. While an amateur boat thief named Danny comes to rescue his older brother Chuck from the deep water, and while Jon arrives at the edge of the pier in order to watch their escape plan has worked today. While Ponch calls in an 11-81 into dispatcher by using his CB radio, and now finds out that their pursuit of Chuck who was actually suspected of stealing jewelry has been recently terminated just a few minutes ago. While Ponch tries to comforted a confused Keli who happens to worried about her wrecked bicycle after a recent collision with Chuck, and when Jon finally arrives back at the accident scene just in time to see the paramedics put Keli onto a stretcher. When Ponch decides to have Keli meet his partner Jon in which doesn’t exactly work out to well with her today, and turns into anger about their recently terminated pursuit of Chuck while the paramedics finally put her into the ambulance in order to drive her to a nearby hospital. About three weeks later Ponch has just arrived at the Children's Hospital Los Angeles, and decides to visit his new girlfriend who happens to be a register nurse named Lori during lunch break today. During the time of Ponch’s lunch break he will first visit with a little boy named Timmy who happens to be on his way to physical therapy, and when he finally arrives at the nurses station to romance Lori with a silly poem which makes her laugh at him. Ponch now finds out from Lori that their friend Keli has just been transferred here for physical therapy because the other hospital doesn‘t want her because of difficulties in treatment. While walking through the playroom where Ponch manages runs into a cute little asian girl named Susie who happens to be reading comic books with her friend, and is surprise that she will to be going back home tomorrow morning for the first time but doesn’t want to miss their annual carnival which includes a picnic during lunchtime that is coming up on Saturday morning. Ponch finally runs into a disrespectful little girl named T.C. who often jokes about wanting to steal his motorcycle, and complains about his sense of humor. Ponch manages to shrug off T.C. with a dirty looking smirk, and goes outside to meet with Keli’s father and new stepmother about her recent collision with Chuck. Ponch decides to make the meeting very short because Keli being argumentative with her stepmother, and goes back inside the building in order accept a wheelchair racing challenge by T.C along with her friend after making another joke about him being a chicken.

Ponch and T.C. are getting ready to compete in the wheelchair race which includes a lot of obstacles.
Bonnie decides to point her left finger while smiling at Ponch and Jon because she happens to know that they are lying to her face.

After Ponch has just agree to excepted the challenge from T.C., and during the race in which he can’t seem to concentrate on the obstacles in the competition while in a wheelchair. While Keli‘s father laughing at Ponch giving up on the obstacle course challenge by letting T.C. win, and accidentally tips over in his wheelchair. Since Ponch has almost completed the obstacle course challenge against T.C., and is finally able get a date with Lori for Saturday night but needs to go back on duty by putting a smile on her face. During lunchtime at the Chart House Seafood Restaurant where Danny is currently working as a parking lot attendant, and the right moment comes where a beautiful single desperate woman has just pull into the front of the restaurant while driving a pearl white Stutz Blackhawk. After Danny finishes parking the Stutz by taking the set of keys, and walks over to their customize Ford Econoline where Chuck happens to be inside listening to a new record album with his girlfriend named Peggy. When Danny arrives inside the Econoline in order to have a business meeting with Chuck, and wants Peggy to leave immediately. Things almost backfire when Chuck actually defends Peggy in order to finish the business meeting with Danny about their next jewel robbery during lunchtime today, and manages to get a set of keys for the single desperate woman‘s condo. When Danny has to go back on duty in order to park a beautiful Corvette in which Chuck has Peggy look at while grabbing his motorcycle helmet, and leather messenger bag in order to leave by stealing a black Norton Commando 850. During the Wednesday morning briefing at Central where Getraer would look to thank Ponch and Jon along with Turner for almost apprehending Chuck in Marina area, and gets interrupted by Grossie making a stupid joke about string bikini‘s being outlaw at the beach. After Baricza finishes touching Grossie’s stomach, and Getraer is able to finished the briefing about their suspects which are actually brothers named Chuck and Danny about stealing motorcycles in order to ditch them after taking single desperate women’s jewelry while their having lunch at the same restaurant including fishing boats from the pier. Since Getraer can’t seem to answer Jon, and Baricza’s questions about Chuck he decides to dismiss the rest of the colleague from the morning briefing. While Grossie wants to have doughnuts with Baricza leaving Ponch and Jon to run into Bonnie with her clipboard that includes a shopping list for the children’s hospital picnic on Saturday afternoon. Since Bonnie is organizing the picnic for the children’s hospital which includes a checklist of food related items that is almost completed except for baked beans, napkins, and paper plates in which she wants Ponch and Jon to provide by this weekend. When Bonnie starts questioning Ponch and Jon about going shopping their share of the items, and which they both decide to cover for each other by lying to her in order to get some stuff cross off the list. Ponch and Jon eventually get themselves caught lying to Bonnie through her smile when she starts walking away while pointing her left finger at both of them, and happens to be carrying a clipboard in her right hand. After Bonnie finally walks away in order to finish her checklist, and Ponch and Jon start laughing about Getraer providing the balloons for their annual carnival games.

Bonnie happens to be working inside a carnival booth while the kids throw darts at balloons for prizes.
Ponch has to reassure T.C. along with other children about real police emergencies.

About four days later their annual carnival which includes a picnic during lunch has just started at Ganesha Park, and on this beautiful morning Bonnie is actually volunteering inside a booth. While Bonnie happens to be very excited about the children taking turns by throwing darts at balloons, and keeps laughing while having good time giving away stuffed animals for prizes. When Bonnie and Jon decide to take the children for a ride on the merry go-round, and others are waiting their turn in line at the refreshment stand. During lunchtime at the fairgrounds while Grossie is helping out Getraer, and Bonnie serve food to the children. When Grossie becomes hungry while serving hot dogs, and starts complaining to Getraer about the amount of food being served to the children for lunch today. While Bonnie is actually smiling about serving refreshments, and leaves Getraer to look at Grossie’s point of views about the children eating food at that rate. While the children are throwing baseballs at milk jugs for more stuffed animals prizes. Since Baricza is actually answering the children’s questions about become a police officer, and one boy seems to answer his own question about roadblocks. While Ponch is concentrating on making a shot by throwing the basketball, and T.C. starts complaining about him trying to hard on himself. Since Ponch can’t seem to concentrate on making a shot because of T.C.’s complaining, and finally hands her the basketball for a change. After Ponch has agreed to let T.C. have her turn with the basketball for a change, and she actually makes a shot compare to him. After Ponch finally gets the basketball back in his own hands, and makes a smirk at T.C. before actually making a shot for a change. While Ponch’s is actually getting ready to make another shot with basketball, and changes his mind when he looks at Keli sitting all alone without any family cheering her up today. Ponch now decides to give T.C. the basketball in order to let her a have turn for a change, and walks over to have a meeting with Keli. While Jon is getting ready to go for a motorcycle ride on a beautifully restore Harley Davidson JD, and is having the hospital worker help out by putting two children into a sidecar. Jon now rides off with the children sitting inside a sidecar, and Ponch keeps trying to make friends with Keli but is unable to because of her attitude towards handling the situation with doctors. After Ponch has tried to make friends with Keli, and now watches her wheel herself away from their situation with Chuck. While Jon is actually enjoying the ride with two children, and happens to be unaware that Chuck and Peggy are right behind him driving around in a recently stolen black Mercedes-Benz 450 SL. When Jon finally recognizes Chuck smiling while insulting him, and he decides to cut the ride short by turning around in order to get Baricza back at the park. While Ponch is letting the other children have a turn throwing the basketball through the hoop, and Jon finally arrives back at the park to get Baricza in order to pursue of Chuck up in the mountains. While Jon fast gets into the cruiser with Baricza in order to purse Chuck immediately, and Ponch has to reassure T.C. along with other children about real police emergencies.

Baricza and Jon are in hot pursuit of their suspect Chuck.
Ponch and Jon along with Bonnie happen to be concern about Chuck endangering the safety of the citizens.

Both Baricza and Jon go speeding through the mountains until finally catching up with Chuck who refuses to stop by scaring the crap out of Peggy for a few miles, and will eventually make another escape by causing an old man to roll down the hill in his beat up green Plymouth Fury. After Baricza and Jon finally lose pursuit of Chuck again, and now have to go down the hill in order to rescue an old man by calling an ambulance. Ponch now gets off the picnic table bench, and walks over to have a meeting with Baricza and Jon about the situation Chuck which also concerns Keli wanting to commit suicide. While Ponch and Jon along with Bonnie are back on duty waiting for Getraer to arrive in his office for a Sunday morning meeting about Chuck, and includes situations with endangerment of pedestrians safety. When Getraer does finally arrive with recent accident report about Chuck endangering the safety of an old man yesterday afternoon during the picnic. While Bonnie is concern about Chuck endangering the safety of Keli which had happen almost a month ago, and includes the recent accident with the old man. Since Getraer had did a check Ponch’s tip about Chuck using duplicate keys in order to break into apartments, and delivers some bad news about owners being out of lunch during the time of the robberies. Jon now decides to take Getraer out for dinner at the Chart House Seafood Restaurant using his truck, and happens to let their fishing boat thief suspect Danny park it in a safe spot. While Jon is actually undercover with Getraer, and seems to recognize Chuck a little bit more than Danny. Both Jon and Getraer will eventually walk away in order to have dinner together while out for a short period of time. While Getraer is having another meeting during Monday morning with Ponch and Jon along with Bonnie, and has some bad news about the department. Since Jon wants to know about the department handling the situation, and Bonnie now thinks that Chuck is actually going to kill an innocent person in their own apartment. Ponch now wants to catch Chuck by throwing the departments stupid rule book away, and wants to under budget since Getraer happens to know that money is problem with the Captain. Since Getraer wants to impress the Captain by letting Ponch and Jon along with Bonnie work under budget in order to catch Chuck, and want to keep Keli from committing suicide about the situation in a few weeks.

Bonnie decides to borrow her friend Nancy's apartment for the tomorrow afternoon.
Chuck watches Bonnie walk away in order to go into the Chart House Seafood Restaurant.

While Bonnie happens to be in Marina del Rey later that morning, and wants to borrow her friend Nancy’s apartment for police business during lunchtime tomorrow afternoon in order to setup Chuck for a fake jewel robbery. Since Nancy has recently had the blue shag carpeting clean, and makes Bonnie promise not to get it dirty during the afternoon lunch date. Bonnie now decides leave Nancy’s apartment while smiling, and Jon is actually visiting his friend Mr. Dawson at his car dealership who has been expecting tickets for the police officers ball. Since Jon isn’t actually selling tickets for the police officers ball today, and wants to borrow a pale yellow Rolls-Royce Corniche from the dealership as a gift for Bonnie during the afternoon lunch date. Meanwhile Grossie is actually visiting his friend Mr. Galagos at Village Goldsmith Creative Jewelers, and wants to borrow fifty thousand dollars worth of jewelry as a gift for Bonnie during the afternoon lunch date. While Ponch has just arrived back at the Children's Hospital Los Angeles during his Tuesday morning coffee break, and now finds out from Lori that Keli has been recently transferred to a private room because of attitude towards the other children. Since Lori is worried about Keli not exercising three times a day, and Ponch is concern about her committing suicide over the whole situation with Chuck while in a wheelchair. Ponch now gets Lori’s permission in order to visit Keli, and manages to run into Timmy who happens to be reading a book instead of watching the movie today. While Ponch happens to walk inside the room, and watches Keli accidentally fall on her butt while trying walk again using the bed rail as a guide. When Ponch offers to get Keli help from the nurse in which refuses, and since she is actually unable to lift herself back up off the ground. Since Keli just being a little stubborn at first toward Ponch’s kindness for others, and will eventually accept his help in order to place her back into bed. Before Ponch walks out of the room he decides to give her some good advice, and delivers about how their finally going to catch Chuck today. Since Ponch deserves a second chance from Keli, and walks out of the room leaving her to think about trying a little kindness. During lunchtime at the Chart House Seafood Restaurant where Bonnie is actually undercover as a recently divorce business woman, and decides to park a Rolls-Royce herself rather than wait for crappy their valet service to help her out. Since Chuck decides rush over to help Bonnie while leaving Danny to park a brown Chevrolet Monte Carlo, and she decides to give him a good excuse about parking the parking the Rolls-Royce herself while wearing some real expensive jewelry with her finger nails freshly manicure which includes having them painted a beautiful frosted rose pink. When Chuck decides to help out Bonnie by opening up the doors of the Rolls-Royce, and when getting out she accidentally let’s a beautiful diamond ring slip off her left finger. Since Bonnie is kind enough to let Chuck place the beautiful diamond ring back on her left finger, and exchange gives him a business card before she walks away go into the restaurant which causes a little argument with Danny over their next jewel robbery in which they are unaware about being set up by the police.

Ponch and Jon are hiding in the brushes while staking out Nancy's apartment.
Ponch and Jon take off hoping to catch Chuck right outside Nancy's apartment.

In the meantime Ponch and Jon happen to be hiding in the brushes while staking out Nancy’s apartment, and are hoping to hear the good news from Bonnie about Chuck falling for their fake jewel robbery scheme in which they had bent the rules just keep Keli from committing suicide. Since Ponch and Jon had borrow stuff from their local connections, and are actually surprised that Chuck had shown up in order to rob Nancy’s apartment while riding another recently stolen red Yamaha TT 500. While Ponch decides to check in with Turner using his portable walkie talkie about Chuck riding into the parking lot. Since Turner is actually hiding in the brushes, and manages to recognize Chuck parking the Yamaha in the front of Nancy‘s apartment. Turner now manages to catch Chuck walking up the stairs while using a set of keys in order break into Nancy’s apartment hoping to steal the jewelry, and check back in with Ponch using his portable walkie talkie about how to arrest their suspect today. Both Ponch and Turner now have a plan to arrest Chuck outside Nancy’s apartment with the jewelry, and Jon to puts on his aviator sunglasses along with his helmet. While Chuck is still inside Nancy’s apartment, and now walks out of the bedroom carrying Bonnie’s jewelry case in order to place it on the coffee table. While Turner is still hiding in the brushes hoping to catch Chuck, and two of Nancy’s two stupid girlfriends decide to show up hoping to visit during lunchtime. Since Nancy’s stupid two girlfriends decide walk up the stairs, and are unaware that Chuck is robbing their friends apartment today. While Chuck is actually placing the jewelry into a leather messenger bag, and Nancy’s two stupid girlfriends decide to ring the door bell now causing Turner to yell at them during a stakeout. Since Nancy’s two girlfriends decide to give Turner an excuse, and decide to ring the door bell anyways causing Chuck to walk over in order peek out the keyhole at both of them. Chuck now knows that he has been set up by the police, and decides to make an escape by using a camel statue in order to break the patio door window. Since Turner’s has now blown his cover because of Nancy’s two stupid girlfriends, and decides to check in with Ponch about Chuck making an escape by using a camel statue in order to break the patio door window. Since Ponch and Jon now have blown their cover, and now have to leave the stakeout while Chuck decides to get back on his Yamaha in order to ride off hoping to avoid the police once again. Turner now has to run fast in order to catch Chuck taking off on his Yahama, and both Ponch and Jon decide to ride off hoping to make a bust.

Turner is still running hoping to catch Chuck outside Nancy's apartment.
Ponch and Jon will be transporting Chuck and Danny back to the docks.

While Turner is still running until he finally gets into his cruiser, and Chuck happens to be pushing his Yamaha hoping to avoid the police today. Chuck is finally able to kick start his Yamaha in order to ride off, and Turner is now pulling out of the parking lot inside his cruiser for a little police pursuit of their suspect. Chuck now leaves the parking in order to ride off into the city streets, and happens to be unaware that Ponch and Jon are actually pursuing him for a few miles in the same direction where the previous police chase. While Turner is still in pursuit of Chuck, and Jon happens to call in another 211 into the dispatcher about their suspect. While Jon gets a response back from Turner, and they both happen to be chasing Chuck. Ponch and Jon finally meet up with Turner in order to pursue Chuck in different directions for a few more miles which will lead to going back down to the beach where the collision had happen with Keli about a month ago. When Ponch and Jon finally realize that Chuck happens to be going in the same direction towards the beach, and decide to go in a different direction. While Turner will have to continue pursuit of Chuck who will be going back to Santa Monica Pier, and Ponch and Jon will be heading a different direction in order to go down the docks. While Danny happens to be inside a recently stolen fishing boat waiting for Chuck to arrive, and happens to unaware that Ponch and Jon will show up in order to arrest him at the docks of the Santa Monica Yacht Harbor Sporting Fishing Cafe. Since Ponch and Jon along with Turner to happen to be continuing pursuit in different directions, and will eventually end when Chuck decides to perform the same dangerous stunt by jumping the red Yamaha off the Santa Monica Pier into the deep water about a month ago. When Turner rushes over to watch Chuck float back up from the deep water with a leather messenger bag full of their jewelry, and is waiting for a fishing boat that will be driven by Jon after arresting Danny. Chuck will be surprised to see Ponch come to his rescue which causes Turner to laugh at him, and will finally be arrested with some help from Jon getting him into fishing boat in order to be transported along with Danny back to the docks today.

Ponch and T.C. are getting ready for a rematch.
Ponch and Bonnie along with Lori get together.

About a couple of days later after arresting Chuck and Danny at Santa Monica Pier, and while back at the Children's Hospital Los Angeles where Ponch and Bonnie are together enjoying their day off. Since Bonnie and Lori along with the children are watching Ponch and T.C. get ready for their stupid rematch against each other in wheelchairs. When the rematch seems to be getting off to a good start for Ponch and T.C., and during the race in which he happens to concentrating a lot better on the obstacles in the competition while in a wheelchair. While Ponch accidentally tips over in his wheelchair once again, and is now out of the race but hasn’t given up on trying to win against T.C. during their stupid rematch. When T.C. finally wins over Ponch in their stupid rematch, and happens to be getting cheers from Bonnie and Lori along with the children. Since Ponch is now upset over T.C. winning their stupid rematch, and starts yelling at Lori about the competition not being fair today by wanting another rematch again next week. A happier Keli who has recently gotten some justice from Ponch on Tuesday, and while she decides to surprise him by walking on her crutches. Since Ponch and Lori are now very happy to see Keli walking on crutches, and will be going back home tomorrow morning. Ponch is now very proud of Keli with positive attitude toward life, and she will be able to walk on her own within a few weeks without the crutches. Ponch will give Keli a hug, and will be joined in by Bonnie and Lori along with the rest of the children at the hospital.


  • "On days like this I wish I were a lifeguard" - Ponch
  • "I feel better already" - Ponch
  • "Do you see what this dumb nerd did" - Keli Adams
  • "Relax I got an ambulance on the way" - Ponch
  • "What are we going to do wait for this guy to kill someone in their own apartment" - Bonnie
  • "Oh I'll remember that" - Bonnie

Guest Stars



Fun Facts


Visible straps.
  • During the pre-titles chase there is a shot looking back from the red bike where the front wheel is obviously stationary and the straps holding it to the camera vehicle can be seen.

Preceded by:
"Destruction Derby"
Second Chance
Followed by: