Valley Go Home!

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Valley Go Home!
Episode # 303
Air Date September 29, 1979
Briefing ?

Brief Plot

Officers mediate a feud between teenagers. Ponch and Jon intervene when some irate surfers chase the Valley kids who bumped their car. Meanwhile, a couple of thieves use trash pickup as a cover to rip off beach-goers' tape decks.


Two Young Women waving at Ponch
Three young teenagers crusing along the highway

On Saturday morning while riding along the Pacific Coast Highway of Malibu State Beach Ponch and Jon are on duty. Two young women while cruising along in a Mercedes start noticing Ponch’s deep golden brown suntan, and began waving at him. After finally being notice for his deep golden brown suntan, Ponch now starts smiling while looking at both young women, and wants to know how Jon‘s suntan in coming along today. Jon is not sure if he can keep up with Ponch for the results. Ponch now encourages Jon to stick with it for the results. Jon is now thankful to Ponch for the encouragement to suntan. Ponch and Jon while still riding all of sudden read last years welcome mat as a gift to the Hispanic people from the surfers, and still warning them about coming to their beach. Ponch and Jon are still riding along the coast, and the kids are playing on the beach. Three male surfers after recently graduating from high schools are looking for trouble today, and while cruising along in a retire Oldsmobile Ambulance. The mural painted on the back of the ambulance, consists of teenage surfer hitting the high waves with his surfboard.

Jerry now decides park
Ford Econoline now blocked in

The teenage surfing trio while driving along the coast, now singing along to a brand new song on the radio, and are on their way to the beach. The teenage surfing trio finally finds the perfect parking spot, and theirs one problem the Ford Galaxie in the parking spot in front of them that is actually parked too close. Dean now doubts his buddy Jerry about being able to parallel park in that type of situation. Jerry who is actually driving the ambulance now decides that he wants to look for some trouble today by being stupid, now wants his buddies learn a lesson in parallel parking, and finally pulling into the tight squeeze of a parking space. Jerry now decides to keep backing up until he finally parks right on the front bumper of the Ford Econoline. After Jerry finishes parking right on the front bumper of the van, and his buddies finally decide to get out of the ambulance.

Coyote in the desert

The teenage girl wearing a bikini today is now surfing along the waves with her surfboard, and finally manages to hit a low wave causing her to accidentally wipe out. The other surfers are now finally managing to hit the low waves causing them to accidentally wipe out. The Hispanic teenagers are now leaving the beach, and are watching the other surfers finally managing to hit the low waves causing them to accidentally wiping out. Lupe now notices one of the surfers is going underneath the waves. Michael just knows about surfers losing their surfboards because of the low waves today. The Hispanic teenagers are finally walking up the hill together, and noticing that the ambulance is parked right on the front bumper of their van.

Guest Stars


Fun Facts


Preceded by:
"Roller Disco: Part 2"
Valley Go Home!
Followed by:
"High Octane"