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DISCLAIMER: All the information contained in this document is provided solely for the benefit of collectors and fans of the show "CHiPs" to assist them in constructing a "CHiPs" replica costume. In no way is it intended for use in any attempt to impersonate any law enforcement officer.

Research history

The following information was provided by Art from information posted on The "CHiPs" Online Forum and should answer just about any question you have on where to find materials for making a "CHiPs" costume.

Art and his friends put their uniforms together in February and March of 2000, so most of this information should still be valid, but prices may have changed. The only problems could be for those people who live in California since it may be difficult, if not completely illegal, to fabricate a CHP uniform replica for California residents. It is up to everyone to check local laws for themselves. Some retailers may think you're trying to impersonate an actual officer and hesitate to sell to you. (Refer to the episode "One Two Many" to see what happens to CHP impersonators.) Probably the best way to approach retailers if questioned on your purchase is just to tell the truth -- "I collect "CHiPs" memorabilia and am creating a costume" and leave it at that.

This page lists individual components necessary to make a close replica of Jon and Ponch's uniforms and lists a supplier and any other pertinent details for each item. The items are listed at the top and dealers are listed at the bottom. The items are followed by the names of dealers who sell the selected item. You can find them in the dealer list at the bottom of the page.



The SD600 is the helmet worn in the classic "CHiPs" episodes. It costs around $150. The MC500V is the current CHP issue, costs around $285, and doesn't include a microphone. They paint it to exact CHP specs. They also sell a SHOEI current-issue CHP helmet, but it's $410.

None of the helmets have the "winged wheel" CHP logo. Another alternative is to buy either style of helmet from a motorcycle shop in plain white and then paint it yourself. You'll need to buy a snap-on visor with a gold band (V102, $5.50) too. Use Krylon or similar spray paint (after masking the lines carefully) and finish with a coat of spray lacquer.

  • Bell Helmets

They don't have anything specifically with CHP on it, nor any decals, but they do sell a gold "winged wheel" metal helmet badge with blue "Police Motor Officer" lettering for $59. It looks very close to the CHP helmet decal. Also inquire if they have any "misprinted/mistake" badges like these. Sometimes they do and they're usually half-price.

  • Squad Fitters


You can probably figure this one out on your own.

White T-shirt



Jon's - S55-108, $16.95 Ponch's - S55-110, $18.95

  • Quartermaster


Here's where you can either spend a lot of money and get the real deal or look around and save hundreds. Dehner Boot Company sells actual motor officer boots -- lace up instep with a strap at the top of the boot. You're looking at $400-$500. Even on eBay, used ones frequently go for $200-$300 and Dehner cautions against buying used boots. Their web site gives more details on this issue.

You may also be able to locate knee-length East German officer's smooth leather boots (not pebble-finished). You'll have to scour local surplus stores, but when you find them, expect to pay only about $50.

You can also visit a tack/riding shop and get boots made out of a synthetic rubber-type material that look okay for about $50 as well.

If you want just regular CHP-style shoes, Quartermaster sells them (Q87-28) for $68.50. You can probably get lesser quality and/or used shoes similar to these at a surplus or thrift shop for much less.

  • Dehner Boot Company
  • Quartermaster

Belt and Holster

The following is a list of the pieces needed when using a Beretta M92, which is what some CHP officers currently use (see "CHiPs" '99). They still have the option of using a Smith & Wesson 66 or 68 (like in the series) or a Smith & Wesson 4006 Tactical Semi-Automatic .40, but it can be difficult to get replicas of these. Also, make sure all snaps/buckles are brass. The CHP doesn't use nickel-plated hardware.

  • S69-452-1 basketweave underbelt $14.95
  • S99-300 brass Sam Brown Belt $26.95
  • S69-315-B brass baton ring $3.95
  • S69-330-B brass handcuff case (single) $11.95
  • S69-305-B single key keeper $1.95 (you will need 3-4 of these)
  • S69-362-B brass 9mm double mag pouch $13.95
  • S69-343 holster for Beretta M92 $39.95

These are the minimum things you'd need for an authentic belt set. Check surplus stores, etc.. You might be able to find this stuff very cheap. Just make sure it's black, basketweave, and brass. If you want to customize your belt, check the Quartermaster catalog for other accessories like mace holders, etc.

One thing that could not be found was the large rectangular pouch that Ponch and Jon usually wore on their back left hip. A source at the CHP said that it was never standard issue and he thought they might have used it to hold a wireless microphone. It seems only the principal actors had it and none of the background CHP officers.

  • Quartermaster


Smith & Wesson replicas are hard to find, so we suggest the current issue Beretta M92 (UHC Beretta Silver HW, $39.95). It's a silver-colored plastic with simulated wood grips. Don't worry, it's not a real gun. mIt shoots plastic BBs and it's perfectly legal to own in most states if you're over 18. However, don't go waving it around in public.

It comes with an orange barrel tip, but you have to remove this so it will fit in the holster. It only comes with 30 BBs and you can't buy them at Wal-Mart or a sports shop when they run out. Order extra when you purchase the gun.

  • Fain's World of AirSoft Guns


You'll want item S22-29 for $36.95. You have to request the CHP stripe (Q39-CHP, $8.95) and they will sew it on for you. These pants are actually what cruiser officers wear. They're like regular slacks and the pockets are slightly different from those of motor officers. The color is the correct silver and tan. It has the 2 "billie" pockets and it doesn't cost close to $200 like actual riding breeches would! (If you want breeches, check with F. Morton Pitt, J.B. Battle Uniform Co., Saba's Uniforms, and Sinatra Manufacturing.)

You may want to take your slacks to a seamstress to have them taper the legs to be form-fitting and add elastic "stirrups" so they will stay tucked in the boot.

  • Quartermaster


       2 ways to go here:
       Quartermaster carries S33-108 (short sleeve $17.95) or S31-118 (long sleeve $19.95). The shirts are okay for the price, but the chest pockets have a box pleat which real CHP uniforms do not...but this is a minor detail. Have them add a zipper for $5.00 extra since the CHP has this in their shirts. The catalog says they'll sew 2 patches free and they sell the CHP shoulder patch (more on that later), but they absolutely refuse to sew them on unless you can prove you are a CHP officer. ...but they'll sell you the patches separately. Go figure.
  • Quartermaster
       Art ended up buying a short sleeve shirt from F. Morton Pitt because they are a certified CHP supplier. Plus they tailor the sleeves (if short-sleeve) and torso to get that "Ponch-tight" fit. It cost me around $60, but it's dead on. Again, they won't sew the patches on for you.
  • F. Morton Pitt
       The other companies, Sinatra Manufacturing and Saba's Uniforms, sell the certified shirts/trousers/breeches, but we don't have info on their prices. Probably around $75 for shirts, $100-$125 pants, $200 breeches.

Patches and Insignia

You can get pretty much everything from Quartermaster:

  • A14-2063-C CHP Shoulder Patch $4.95 (you'll need 2)
  • Q01-31-05 CHP mini badge $3.95 (use this as your marksman badge on right pocket...not exact, but close)
  • S01-715 7-point star badge $10.95 (use this as your "shield", unless you can find a CHP replica somewhere (more on that later, too) paint the center circle gold w/ model paint applied with a small brush
  • S10-16G nameplate $4.95
             This is more similar to what was used in "CHiPs '99" than the series. You can either get last name (all caps) or first initial + last name. To be truly accurate, go to a trophy shop and see if they can make you a brass nameplate with 2 clutch pins, measuring 3/8 inch by 2 and 3/8 inches. The reason for this is so that if you're ever lucky enough to find the "winged wheel" safety award backing device (you know, the thing Ponch got when his mom came to visit, also a good shot is in the show opener when they do a close-up of Jon's nametag) it'll fit in there.
             Art did this at a cost of about $6 each. Make sure you pick the appropriate font if you get them made locally (Quartermaster doesn't give you a choice). The engraving should be royal blue, but I doubt most engravers will do anything besides black. 
  • Quartermaster

Rank Pins and Patches

Typical ranks are Officer, Sergeant, Lieutenant, and then Captain. An officer has no additional patches or pins.

  • S14-5427 Sergeant's stripes $2.50/pr. (Typically worn only on long sleeves, but currently the CHP is using on short sleeves as well. Art couldn't find the gold/blue metal colar Sgt. pin like Getraer wore. The closest would be plain gold ones, S02-106, $2.75/pr.)
  • F02-102 gold Lt. bar $4.50/pr.
  • S02-112 gold Captain's bars $4.95/pr.
  • Quartermaster


Actual marksmanship pins and safety awards are out there. Art found his through individuals on eBay. Prices can vary wildly. As far as badges, the ones listed above are okay.

       As far as batons go...well, unless you're in law enforcement or security, you may not be able to get one. If you do get one, check your local ordinances to see if you could even wear it to a Halloween party. You might be surprised. Art got his black on at a local surplus shop for $5. He stripped the paint off and lacquered it to achieve that "Baker blond baton" look.
       If you want a winter duty jacket like Jon and Ponch wore, Quartermaster has it for $29.95 (S48-101 black, S48-100 navy blue). Black was what's actually used, but in some episodes it looked blue. Remember too, you'll need 2 shoulder patches and another shield. (Most uniform shops will gladly sew your patches on for $1-2 each)

If you're interested in an Emergency! paramedic uniform, Transcontinental Sales Company sells the blue shirt, dark blue trousers, and dark blue jacket. Crown Enterprises has the left shoulder paramedic patch. Surplus stores should have a black web belt with silver military buckle. You'll probably have to get a white plastic nameplate with black edges/lettering made at a local engraver (for paramedic/firefighters -- firefighters had silver metal nameplates).

Quartermaster has similar style badges, just check out through their catalog and web site. For a paramedic pin (above the nameplate), any small, circular, silver pin will do.

       For black work boots, Old School Fire Department has replica LACoFD helmets...available with various station numbers, paramedic, captain, battalion chief, etc. eBay often has the actual helmets used -- search under "MSA helmet". (MSA was the manufacturer.)
       Baird Company has lots of patches for sale, including a CHP badge patch (which looks like the actual badge, but is sewn on), a CHP civilian patch, and a CHP pilot's wings patch. They also sell a "Joe Friday" LAPD badge as does Book 'Em Productions, which also has LAPD/LASO patches. These can be used to make an ADAM-12 costume. Quartermaster even sells LAPD-certified uniforms.

Be sure to check the product numbers before you order anything.


   Baird Company
   PO Box 7240
   Moreno Valley, CA 92552-7240
   (909) 943-4180
   Bell Helmets
   5387 West Green Court
   Rathdrum, ID 83858
   (800) 347-4277
   Fax: (208) 687-3219
   [email protected]
   Free catalog
   Book 'Em Productions
   2937 Seneca Turnpike
   Route 5
   Canastota, NY 13032
   (888) BOOK-EM-1 (266-5361)
   Fax: (315) 697-9919
   [email protected]
   Crown Enterprises
   15936 Lashburn Street
   Whittier, CA 90603
   [email protected]
   Dehner Boot Company
   3614 Martha Street
   Omaha, NE 68105-3100
   (402) 342-7788
   Fax: (402) 342-5444
   Free catalog
   F. Morton Pitt
   4562 Westinghouse Street
   Suite F
   Ventura, CA 93003-5797
   (800) 533-2838
   Fax: (8045) 658-5139
   Fain's World of AirSoft Guns
   470 Shay Lind Court
   Lilburn, GA 30047-6585
   (770) 935-0876
   Fax: (770) 935-4998
   [email protected]
   J.B. Battle Uniform Co.
   1241 South Walker
   PO Box 24028
   Oklahoma City, OK 73124
   (405) 232-6431
   Old School Fire Department
   1077 East Pacific Coast Highway
   Suite 143
   Seal Beach, CA 90740
   PO Box 829
   Long Beach, CA 90801-0829
   (800) 444-8643
   [email protected]
   Definitely call and request their catalog...ask for the "Law Pro" edition
   Saba's Uniforms
   915 Baker Street
   Bakersfield, CA 93305
   (661) 323-7834
   Sinatra Manufacturing
   1049 East 32nd Street
   Los Angeles, CA 90011
   (323) 234-0177
   Squad Fitters
   1304 Parkland Court
   PO Box 6388
   Champaign, IL 61821
   (800) 491-1267
   Fax: (800) 255-9874
   [email protected]
   Free catalog
   Transcontinental Sales Company
   5725 South Main Street
   Los Angeles, CA 90037-4171
   (888) 299-8830
   (323) 234-8830
   Fax: (323) 234-9050
   [email protected]
   Free catalog