2) Can I e-mail to TNT about "CHiPs"?
YES! Send e-mail to
[email protected]
3) When is the next "CHiPs" marathon?
There is none known. The last one was on Sunday, May 14, 1995
from 8pm to early morning.
2) What are everyone's call numbers?
Catraire - 7 Mary 1
Grossman - 7 Mary 2
Poncherello - 7 Mary 3
Baker - 7 Mary 4
Rex - 7 Adam ?
3) What special talents do the officers have?
5) What's Ponch's favorite flavor ice cream?
Tutti-frutti (although he has been known to eat strawberry).
6) What famous people have appeared on the show?
Phyllis Diller ("Crack-Up")
Rich Little
HR Puffinstuff
Robbie Rist [aka Oliver from "The Brady Bunch"] ("Neighborhood Watch")
Nana Visitor [aka Major Kira from "Deep Space Nine"]
7) What other movies have "Ponch" and "John" been in?
They were officers "Erik" and "Larry" in Loaded Weapon 1.
Erik Estrada also made a cameo appearance in NBC's "The Nanny".
2) Are there any FTP sites with "CHiPs" related files?
Not yet. We're looking for someplace to take our 15Mb QuickTime movie of the
theme! Know anyplace?
3) What WWW sites have "CHiPs" stuff?
Just one:
http://www.wpi.edu/~patrickd/CHiPs/CHiPs.html (That's HERE!)
2) Who wrote this FAQ?
Not many people have put in any input so far...just Patrick Delahanty and
Tim Lewis.
To submit information, e-mail PatrickD